We like to use the Growneer trimming scissors as they are sharp, stainless steel and non stick. I would have to cut off more like 3/4 as the longest stem is almost 4'. Name – Begonia maculata Family – Begoniaceae Type – perennial down to 50°F (10°C). All you have to do is cut off a stem with no flowers just below the bud. No green thumbs needed! Begonia Types with photos. Begonia Maculata. Propagation: It is easy to propagate the Begonia maculata from cuttings. Or, allowing it to sit in water for long periods of time. Height – 8 to 16 inches (20 to 40 cm) Exposure – full sun, part sun Soil – rather rich, well drained Each stem is potentially a whole new plant, or a growing piece to place back in with the original plant to make it grow fuller. There are many methods to propagate your Clown Begonia plant. Begonia Maculata Care – Everything You Need To Know. I also wonder what size pot it should be in. You can cut very large cuttings into smaller sections. Hi Hanne, got your emails, thanks. If possible, go to your local plant nursery or garden center to look for a Begonia. This variety produces bright orange-red fl … Older plants can get quite tall and loose leaves from the lower part of the stem. Indoor Pineapple Plant Care - How to Grow your own Pineapples. The Begonia Maculata is an easy-going plant that anyone can take care of, even beginners who don't have as much experience taking care of plants yet. The easiest way to propagate a Begonia Maculata is in water. Fashionable enough for the cover of Vogue! Use a balanced houseplant fertiliser. Pull up the horizontal rhizome of the begonia from the soil. Cultivar Selection. Thus, you want to avoid giving it too much water. You can tease the pot of plantlets apart and grow them on separately or transplant them as a group to produce a bushier pot plant. Learn more. I would think eventually it will need new soil, but one thing at a time is better. Thank you! Turn the leaves upside down, and slice them into wedges with a sharp, clean knife. Rhizomes are long thick stems that can be grown under the soil. As a general rule, begonias favour bright filtered light with no exposure to harsh midday sun. How to Root a Begonia Stem. Make sure you cut below the bud and there are no flowers n the cutting. Drastic measures will be necessary. Make sure you use sharp scissors to get a nice clean cut. She does get enough light (she is in a corner of my sunroom which faces south-south-west) but out of direct sunlight. How is your Begonia doing now? How tall do begonia maculata plants get? Don’t throw away the stems you pruned off. We love Growneer’s nursery pots for growing cuttings in. You probably know more about plants than I do! Mine is an indoor plant and I’m in NC so we’re getting into winter. Botanical Name: Begonia boliviensis. Begonia melanobullata seems to be THE hot begonia of the year on the internet and I have seen it listed for $35 at a commercial grower plus being OUT OF STOCK. Propagate Begonias from a Single Leaf For the larger leaved plants, begonia propagation can begin with a single leaf. The Begonia in the photos in this post is a polka dot Begonia Maculata ‘wightii’. Your Begonia is in need of a good prune and propagation session. Boliviensis Begonia. Dip the end of your cutting in some rooting hormone to stimulate root growth before potting up. Is it okay to cut back our begonias this time of year? You said that you can cut off up 1/3 of the plant?! Everyone should be able to propagate begonias without too much difficulty. I live in a plant-filled home with my husband and six year old son. I love talking about plants and showing you that taking care of indoor plants can be easy and very rewarding. Inherited several years ago. If you can not give your plant more light, get a grow light. Propagation by Stem-Cuttings. Pinching plants is a form of pruning where you remove, or pinch, the growing tip with newly unfurled leaves to encourage the plant to branch out. It is likewise susceptible to fungal disease and gnats, both of which are also borne out of too much moisture. Most varieties grow best in a mild temperature range, between 15°C and 26°C, though tuberous begonias need it a little cooler to perform at their best. Just cut a 5 to 8 inches stem from a healthy plant. This post contains affiliate links. This article here covers the pruning and propagation process. PS: (her polkadots are not as strong as they used to be? Put the stem in a jar and it will release rooting hormone and your cutting develop roots. Remove the lower leaves from the cutting. You’ll want to have one or two nodes on the stem. Simply take a cutting from your plant with part of the stem intact. It’s old and leggy and I didn’t know what to do with it. Begonia maculata is a type of cane begonia that has thick stems that support spotted angel wing-shaped leaves. However, we are sharing the easiest one to help you get some more of these beauties. Be sure to buy pelleted seeds. We've already published a guide about How to care for a Begonia Maculata (polka dot plant), in which we explain how to care for your plant when you're planting it in soil. Polka Dot Begonia Care and Propagation Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia Maculata) Care & Propagation Polka Dot Begonia’s are a tropical plant, with large angel wing shaped leaves, in a vibrant green color, deep red undersides and the cutest polka dot finishes on top. Your email address will not be published. These evergreen perennial plants are native to the tropical rainforests in Brazil. Poor thing definitely wasn’t getting enough light. The Begonia Maculata is relatively easy to propagate through cuttings. You will want to be looking at … I would say the best time to prune a Begonia Maculata is spring or summer when it is actively growing. Angel wing Begonias root pretty easily. This was the most helpful article I’ve found on these. If you are here, you probably have an indoor angel wing Begonia that looks tall and leggy instead of compact and bushy. Hi Ali, I love a good generational plant story. Yes I am a bit nervous about how far down to cut her back. When to Repot a Begonia. Older leaves that rapidly become yellow are a clear sign of over-watering, usually caused by too little light, with other symptoms include mouldy or heavy soil, stunted growth and a rotten base. Disclosure: This post may include affiliate links meaning I receive a commission if you make a purchase through these links at no extra cost to yourself. Make each cut just above a leaf node, your plant will grow back right from that point. What happened is that your plant is not getting enough light and is stretching itself out towards the light. As mentioned, begonias like to be root bound. Just sent you a way too long email :). Common Pilea peperomioides Care Problems - and how to fix them! Your plant will grow two new stems from where you pinched it. she almost died a few years ago but is very healthy now. How to care for Begonia maculata: Begonia maculata needs bright indirect light, well-aerated soil that dries a bit between waterings, fertilization every 2-4 weeks, and temperatures of 65°F (18°C) to 86°F (30°C). Etiolation is the official name for when your plant gets leggy, with long stems and lots of space in between each leaf, caused by too little light. Pruning will stimulate new growth and produce a shorter, fuller plant. You can plant multiple cuttings together in a pot so you have a fuller plant from the start. Glad I found this. Meanwhile, the stems continue to grow taller and still growing new leaves at the top. Propagating begonia – rooted leaf begonia cuttings Roots and new plants will develop from the vein at the base of each cutting. These special plant lights used to be large and expensive, but nowadays you can find very good smaller and affordable grow lights. Propagating begonia maculata is simple and easy. That way if one doesn’t take you should have a few others to choose from. Filed Under: Begonia, Houseplant tips, Houseplants, Your email address will not be published. Learn how to grow big healthy Begonia maculata. Begonia Maculata are a fantastic plant, with their red undersides and amazing white polka dots, it’s no surprise that you would want to propagate them so you can have more of these amazing plants in your home. I just received one from my husband’s grandmother. Common Issues with Begonia Maculata. Begonia Maculata is a species that includes subspecies with leaves of different shapes. You can grow begonias from seed, but it’s much easier to propagate them from cuttings instead, and you can do this with most kinds of begonias. You will place the cuttings in water to root and there should be no leaves submerged in water. And of course, make sure it gets enough light, but you knew that. I’ve read they have shallow roots. When I cut the plant back 2/3, should I repot in new soil too or is that too much stress? PROPAGATING BEGONIA MACULATA Propagating this plant is very easy. You can remove up to 2/3 of its total size in one pruning session. Begonias can handle quite a cut. :) Posted on Last updated: 9 October 2020 Categories Easy Indoor Plants, Flowering Plants, Foliage Plants, Plant Propagation. Another common reason for spindly Begonias is old age. Always present on the leaves or pattern in the form of variegated-strewn with colored spots, or bright contrasting patterns. If you let the roots get too long before planting them then you risk them not taking to the water, however you also don’t want to plant your cutting before it has roots long enough to take, for those reasons two inches is a good rule of thumb. Why not check out our next article: Can Begonias live inside? I have no idea when soil was replaced. Shares Begonia Maculata, or as it is popularly called the polka dot plant or just polka plant is one of the most gorgeous plants you can grow indoors. Thank you for this. Your plant-filled sunroom sounds amazing! Begonia seeds are fine, so … Feels brutal cutting so much off but it currently looks sad! It’s called the polka dot because it has white dots all over its thick and wide dark-green leaves. Cut the leaf into wedges to do so lay the leaf flat on your work space. Without pruning the tip of the main canes, the polka dot begonia will grow to a height of 1.5 meters. I love the process of water rooting, but you can plant your cuttings directly in the soil. Thank you Propagation is best done during the heart of winter when blooming is minimal. If you don’t prune your angel wing Begonia, the lower leaves will eventually drop off. More light = less legginess. They are fussy about humidity and … There are many different hybrids and cultivars, and most plant shops will have at least a few. POSITION . Choose your new plant, and bring it home right away. However, several other factors intervene to determine the height of your begonia maculata plant including the strength of fertilizer used, quality of soil, and availability of adequate lighting. So I am propagating to make it available at our annual Louisiana meeting in June-much less than $35 I promise. for their colorful flowers, a long bloom period, … Repeat monthly to encourage maximum bushiness. Tamaya, also called bamboo begonia and Begonia maculata, is a magnificent indoor plant that offers abundant flowers.. Begonia maculata ‘tamaya’ facts. Just take any clippings that you may have taken from pruning your plant and use this material to propagate. If you were to make a purchase through one, I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. I actually find it fairly easy to propagate from leaf cuttings. Begonia Maculata Propagation. Oh wanted to add that this one is a little over 3’ tall. Fertilising: Begonia maculata benefits from being fertilised regularly 2 or 3 times a month and likes a bit of acidic soil. Some types of propagation require more skill than others or more specialized conditions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you want to find out more information on how to propagate a Begonia Maculata then there are many brilliant videos available on youtube. After a while you will notice small roots starting to sprout from the bottom of the stem. you might need to water the cuttings a bit more often than you would the plant as the transition from water to soil can be quite shocking but your cuttings should soon be used to their new conditions and ready to become a plant. Some round, others oblong, twisted like a shell or oblique-heart. Pruning and pinching back your angel wing Begonia is the way to make it bushier and full. You could cut it back now if you feel you have to, but it will take a while for new growth to appear. After pruning, move your Begonia to where it will get more light than before. Get a stem cutting with at … My Begonia is quite old. With a sharp knife, cut a mature leaf from the plant where the leaf meets the stem. Begonia ‘Million Kisses’ series: features plants with a semi-trailing habit and which are ideal for hanging baskets and containers. Although Begonia can do well in darker locations, the frequency of irrigations must be reduced to counteract the chance of root rot. Make cutting sections on the rhizome with … Interestingly, to me. Then place the cutting into water. She has not flowers for a couple of years in spite of fertilizing during the growing season. Your plant will end up looking like a long, bare, drooping stem with just a few leaves at the top. When you place it into soil use the same type of soil that your Begonia is currently growing in. Cut back any crowded shoots to the desired length. That said, repotting begonias at some point is necessary to boost soil nutrients and aerate the soil, making your begonia transplant healthier. You want to pinch your angel wing Begonia throughout the active growing season (spring-summer). Thank you for your support on this platform. Any additional advise would be greatly appreciated. The begonia maculata is prone to root rot. This helps to keep OSERA ad free. We like to use the Growneer trimming scissors as they are sharp, stainless steel and non stick. If you don’t live near a store that sells Begonias, there are a number of great plant growers that sell them on Amazon and Etsy. Another common reason for spindly Begonias is old age. When you prune a large and overgrown angel wing Begonia it will grow back and be more compact than before. Propagation involves taking portions of a begonia plant and rooting them to grow into new plants. To make babies from cuttings, start by snipping a few healthy leaves from your favorite begonia. Hi Hannah, Is there a special reason you want to prune your begonia now? Use sharp, clean cutting shears to carefully remove tall and leggy stems. Therefore for the best chance of success we would recommend waiting until your plant has lots of leaves so you can take several cuttings at once. Hey there! Required fields are marked *. It will also signal the plant to grow new stems at the base and along the stem. ... How to propagate Angel Wing Begonias : Angel Wing Begonias can be propagated from stem cuttings. Potting: The best soil is a mixture of sand, clay, loam. Unless it gets more sun, your Begonia will most likely become leggy again. Propagating a Polka dot Begonia Maculata ‘Wightii’ Make a Leggy Plant more Bushy Etiolation is the official name for when your plant gets leggy, with long stems and lots of space in between each leaf, caused by too little light. Make sure you use sharp scissors to get a nice clean cut. Begonia Maculata can also be propagated from the stem cuttings commonly referred to as rhizomes. Simply take a cutting from your plant with part of the stem intact. Because of their native environment, high humidity, warm temperatures, and indirect or filtered light are the essential care factors. Follow best water rooting practices and soon you will see roots growing. Just wait until you see new growth after pruning. There is no perfect science to how much to chop off. Once they have grown to around two inches long you can take the plant out of the water and pot it in some soil. If you arrived here looking for general information on caring for your angel wing Begonia, hop over to the Begonia maculata care tips instead. I'm Deborah Green. Good luck! Start by taking a cutting from your plant around 6 inches in length, this will ensure you have at least one node one the stem. Copyright © 2020 Mod and Mint | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. Use those cuttings to propagate your angel wing Begonia. Flowering – May to October. Thanks again! They like humidity and warmth, but can’t tolerate extreme heat, dryness or frost. Propagation in Water: In this method, you need a healthy cutting of plant and jar of fresh water. Remember that not all of your cuttings will take, it’s unfortunate but sometimes roots just won’t grow. Now clip the cut end into a point. Any begonia seeds that you find from a commercial seed vendor will work. I know that feeling right before you start a pruning session. So find something you like best and give it a try. Gardeners enjoy numerous species and hybrids of begonia (Begonia spp.) Pinching back your begonias is the first step to correct legginess. I list two that I plant here because they were easy to grow. Propagate a Begonia maculata Begonias are easy to propagate so don’t throw away those pruned off stems! Actually there are 2 different methods one uses water and the second uses Soil. There are 1000’s of begonia seeds out there. Remove the lower leaves and dip them in a jar of water. Your cuttings will be ready to be planted when the roots are a few inches long. The easiest way to propagate a Begonia Maculata is in water. Toxicity: All species of begonia are toxic to pets Moving a begonia to a bigger pot isn’t always an easy decision since begonias like to be somewhat root bound. The markings on hers are more striped but I’m assuming it should be treated the same. so it must be old age. Hanne. This way you can either start new plants or pot them up beside the mother plant to make it even fuller. If cutting more is the only option, I would do it and keep all the cuttings to root and repot later. I also wonder what size pot it in some rooting hormone and cutting. You start a pruning session toxic to pets Begonia types with photos and loose leaves from vein! Oh wanted to add that this one is a species that includes subspecies with leaves of different.... Pruning, move your Begonia to where it will get more light, get a light... Care - how to fix them is there a special reason you want pinch! Plants or pot them up beside the mother plant to grow new stems from you. Meeting in June-much less than $ 35 I promise others to choose from or 3 times a and... Plant more light, but you can plant your cuttings will take a cutting from plant! 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